Global Equity Funds

The Portfolio Managers run two strategies: a global equity portfolio and global equity select portfolio. Both strategies adopt a distinctive and proven Corporate Life Cycle inspired approach to invest in global equities with a simple mission to outperform across multiple market conditions for our clients.

The Portfolio Managers are seconded to Mirabella Financial Services LLP, the Investment Manager of the Funds. Pinnacle Investment Management (UK) Limited is the distributor of the Funds.

Portfolio Managers

Senior Portfolio Manager

Peter Rutter

Peter is a Senior Portfolio Manager co-managing Global Equity portfolios successfully for over 20 years. He has also been leading the Global Equity team for over a decade.

Prior to LCIP Peter was Head of Equities at Royal London Asset Management, and other notable experience includes being; partner at Ironbridge Capital Management, Director at Waverton Investment Management, analyst at Deutsche Asset Management.

Peter is a CFA charterholder, has CFA Institute Certificate in ESG Investing, Chartered Management Accountant ACMA, and a first class with distinction degree in Geography (MA) from the University of Cambridge.

Senior Portfolio Manager

Will Kenney

Will is a Senior Portfolio Manager co-managing Global Equity portfolios successfully for over 20 years.

Prior to LCIP Will was a Senior PM at Royal London Asset Management, and other notable experience includes being; partner at Spencer House Capital Management, Director at Waverton Investment Management, analyst at Deutsche Asset Management.

Will is a CFA charterholder, has CFA Institute Certificate in ESG Investing, and BA (Hons) in Economics & Politics from the University of Durham.

Senior Portfolio Manager

James Clarke

James is a Senior Portfolio Manager co-managing Global Equity portfolios successfully for over 20 years.

Prior to LCIP James was a Senior PM at Royal London Asset Management, and other notable experience includes being; partner at Ironbridge Capital Management, Director at Waverton Investment Management, analyst at Deutsche Asset Management.

James is a CFA charterholder, has CFA Institute Certificate in ESG Investing, and BSc (Hons) in Economics from the University of Warwick.

Portfolio Manager

Chris Parr

Chris is a Portfolio Manager co-managing Global Equity portfolios successfully for over 7 years.

Prior to LCIP Chris was a PM at Royal London Asset Management, and an accountant at PWC.

Chris is a CFA charterholder, has CFA Institute Certificate in ESG Investing, and BSc (Hons) in Biology from the University of Oxford.

Contact us

For all inquiries please contact our distribution partner, Pinnacle Investment Management.

Ben Cossey
James Longman
Malaka Jayawickrema
Callum Evans



Life Cycle Investment Partners
Floor 8, 125 Old Broad St
London EC2N 1AR
United Kingdom